
A Guide To Installing Residential Skylights in Kenya

Need a little extra natural light in your house? Installing residential skylights in Kenya is one of the many ways of increasing natural light penetration into the house. Skylights are known for creating a luxurious impression in a home and allowing natural light to flow in. They let in up to five times more light than the side wall windows and plenty of warmth because they are directly exposed to sunlight. However, the complexity and cost of installing on on your roof make it with it to get information on the structural conditions that need to be met and the design decisions to be made in order to get the perfect one for you.

installing residential skylights in kenya

Benefits of installing  residential skylights in kenya

  1. They make a room feel bigger

      Skylights can transform a smaller space and give the illusion of space making it feel bigger. they are an excellent addition to any room.

  2. They add natural light

    Skylights welcome natural sunlight into your home even when there is cloud coverage and you can say goodbye to turning on lights during the day.

  3. They make a home energy efficient

    With the increased natural light in the house there is reduced electricity bills because lights are not turned on during the day, this therefore saves energy.

deck mounted skylight in kenya


Factors to consider before installing residential skylights in kenya

Before installing skylights on your roof .below are some considerations you need to make in order to get the best solution for your needs;

  1. Features you want on the skylight

     Before installation, you should know what features you want your skylight to have since not all skylights are the same. For example, do you want a fixed skylight that can’t be opened or a vented one that can be opened to improve airflow?

  2. Placement

    You should consider where you want to place the skylight. Choosing the perfect spot takes a lot more than just picking a random spot. the location of the skylight will affect the amount of solar will get in the home, therefore you need to pick the spot where you can maximize sunlight, if there’s a place that is a bit dark then consider placing the skylight above it.

  3. Installation

    Damages from a faulty skylight installation can be considerably costly therefore you need to ensure that the installation is done correctly by a reputable roofing company and that high-quality materials are being used.

  4. Roof type

    You need to consider the roof type you have, if you have a flat or low-pitched roof then the skylight installation may not be possible. Not all roof types are designed to accommodate skylights, for example, truss-framed roofs can not be cut to install skylights. Consult with a reputable roofer to know if your roof can support a skylight.

  5. Mounting type

    There are two options to choose from regarding the mounting type. Deck-mounted skylights are perfect for a new construction becaused they are designed to hug the roof while curb-mounted skylights sit on a metal frame raised above the roof surface. They are the best choice for adding a skylight in an existing home or replacing an old one.

  6. Glazing options

    You need to consider the glazing option you want to have on your skylight, clear glazing allows the most light to enter but also causes glare and increases heat in the house while tinted glazing blocks some of the light but helps reduce glare and heat gain.


curb mounted skylight in kenya

Wrap up 

The best way to ensure that your residential skylight in Kenya is installed correctly is by hiring a reputable roofing company. With a bit of planning and the help of the above tips be sure to enjoy the benefits of natural lighting and proper ventilation in your home. You can also consider automatic skylights which are equipped with rain and heat sensors and automatically close and open.

99 Construction Guide
99 Construction Guide

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