
A Complete Guide To Construction Technology in Kenya

Technology is becoming increasingly essential and every industry is adopting innovations to increase efficiency and productivity this is no different within the construction industry. Construction technology refers to the collection of innovative tools, machinery, modifications, and software used during the construction phase to enable advancements in field construction methods and enhance productivity. New construction technology in Kenya has been an integral part of the construction sector in reducing workplace injuries and improving productivity. Various construction techniques can perform specified tasks.

prefabricated concrete slabs in kenya

Benefits of using construction technology in Kenya

  1. Productivity

    One way that construction technology has impacted the industry is by increasing productivity through off-site construction which reduces waste and increases worker productivity by creating an environment similar to a manufacturing plant. Prefabrication is one of the forms of off-site construction where components like prefabricated concrete slabs are built off-site and then transported to the site to be assembled.

  2. Safety and training

    Worker safety is a huge concern in the industry, improvements in safety and training are another way the construction technology impacts the industry and reduces the risk of serious injuries. Technology like wearables is being used to improve worker safety by monitoring their movements and helping to define construction site hazards on the site. These wearables will help prevent and predict an accident before it happens.

  3. Labor shortages

    With the shortage of skilled laborers in the industry right now construction technology allows one to do more with less through saving on labor costs by using machine learning and autonomous heavy machinery which perform non-stop excavation or grading throughout the day without taking a break o  the need of an operator, meaning the job gets done faster.

  4. Better collaboration

    In construction projects collaboration is a major challenge since the sites are large and involve different decision-makers. The usage of applications designed for collaboration and communication encourages better and quicker decision-making while enabling better collaboration within the project team.


construction wearables in kenya

Example of construction technology in Kenya

  1. Mobile applications and software technology

    Different software and mobile applications are now available to help manage various aspects of the construction project. These applications help streamline different processes like scheduling and project management. most of these applications are cloud-based making it possible to share changes with different team members in real time. This improves collaboration and better communication within the team.

  2. Wearables technology

    Wearables are used to ensure a safe working environment for employees, they come in form of site equipment like gloves, boots, hard hats, or safety vests. They come with sensors, GPS trackers, and internet connectivity to monitor the health status of employees and their locations. Location tracking is beneficial as it allows the set up of geofencing to ensure workers don’t mistakenly enter a dangerous area.

  3. Building information modeling technology

    BIM incorporates 3D digital representations of buildings so that team members can collaborate effectively. It provides an opportunity to create better designs for buildings. any changes to the BIM model are transmitted to the rest of the team in real-time, this ensures members have access to the most recent designs.

  4. Autonomous heavy machinery technology

    Autonomous heavy machinery is used in construction sites to perform tasks like grading and excavation. This eliminates the need for operators which reduces the expenditure of the workforce and also reduces the risk to workers, these equipment use GPS and sensors to navigate through the construction site. Geofencing can also be used to control the areas that the machinery can access to ensure safe working environments.


autonomous heavy machinery in kenya


Final words 

Construction Technology in kenya is the future of the construction industry. Advancements in technology drive many innovations and newer trends in the industry. As the uncertainties and complexities associated with building projects increase day by day. The need to switch to digital construction is compelling.


99 Construction Guide
99 Construction Guide

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