
A Guide To Energy Efficient Homes in Kenya

As much as conserving energy is good for the environment it also helps homeowners save money for power bills. Energy-efficient homes conserve energy and reduce unnecessary energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and demand for non-renewable natural resources. Energy-efficient homes in kenya provide significant savings over other conventional homes.

energy efficient homes in kenya


It doesn’t require much to make a difference, you can reduce your impact on the environment by simply following the tips to make your home energy efficient in kenya discussed in this quick guide.


energy efficient light bulbs in kenya

Tips for making energy efficient homes in Kenya

If you are not sure where to begin, consider conducting an energy audit of the home to assess how much energy it currently uses and how much you could save through the simple changes highlighted below:

  1. Proper insulation

    If you don’t have the proper insulation in your home, you could be losing a lot of heat during the cold season giving you the need to use energy to heat it up which will cost you and be detrimental to the environment. To conserve energy, properly insulate air leaks on the windows .doors, floors, ceilings basement, and also walls.

  2. Consider solar panels

    If you are able to afford solar installation, it would be a great investment that will help you to cut electricity costs because you are able to produce your own electricity. You can have them installed on your rooftop. This investment is not for everyone but given the fact that it is cost-effective, it makes it worth installing them.

  3. Use energy-efficient light bulbs

    By replacing your old incandescent lights with a more efficient option comes at a relatively low cost. Most energy-efficient light bulbs last longer than incandescent so you won’t have to replace them frequently. Compact fluorescents (CFLs) use less than two-thirds of the energy used by standard bulbs and last ten times longer.

  4. Get a tankless water heater

    One of the biggest energy-consuming appliances in your home is a hot water heater. A tankless version that uses exhaust gas to heat water is significantly more energy efficient and tends to outlast conventional storage water heaters. Tankless water heaters deliver a constant supply of hot water and you do not have to wait for the tank to fill up with hot water

  5. Tune up your HVAC system

    Tune your heating and cooling system annually to ensure that is operating at peak efficiency by ensuring connections are tightened, parts are properly lubricated and coils are cleaned .this will in turn save you money and can also help avoiding furnace replacement.

  6. Schedule energy efficiency audit

    Calling energy auditors who are equipped with specialized tools and skills to check where your home currently stands in terms of energy efficiency is also important. They will evaluate the energy efficiency of your home and determine whether it can be improved by recommending some low-cost measures .this will help figure out which parts need immediate attention.

  7. Buy energy-efficient appliances

    When shopping for new appliances look for the ones that are energy star certified .these appliances use less energy although they may cost a bit more in the beginning, but they save costs in the long run, so it is much more an investment.


energy efficient appliances in kenyaWrap up 

Saving energy in your home comes from looking at both the big picture and your day-to-day habits. You do not need to make the changes at once, you can analyze the weak spots and prioritize which ones, to begin with, by following the tips on how to make your home energy efficient in Kenya, which we have outlined above. To effectively increase your energy efficiency involves more than just using less energy but becoming aware of how energy is used.

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