
The Complete Guide To Office Flooring Solutions in Kenya

carpet office flooring in kenya

The choice of an office flooring solution is not a minor concern as it may sound. The office flooring will determine the final office design therefore it is necessary to make this decision carefully. The choice of particular office flooring solutions in Kenya will not only depend on your taste but also on the corporate image of the brand or the values the company wants to portray. Both aesthetics and functionality are important in this case.

Best office flooring solutions in Kenya

  • Carpets and carpet tiles

    This type of flooring is suitable for offices that need some kind of noise insulation. It is however important to note that carpet can easily get stained and may require close attention over time. Carpet tiles provide more flexibility since each tile can be replaced individually without any mess. Carpet tiles also come in a wide range of styles and patterns, giving a range of choices that reflect the brand and aesthetics of an office. It is imperative that carpet tiles not only maintain their aesthetic over time but also have the ability to maintain their shape and remain flat on the floor surface without doming or buckling.

  • Vinyl flooring

    This flooring solution provides a touch of style and durability and is very popular for commercial flooring because it offers long-lasting is resilient and resistant to damage such as scratches, and indentation. It is available in different colors and designs bringing a stylish touch to an office, not forgetting it is easy to clean with minimal maintenance.

  • Rubber flooring

    Rubber flooring solution offers resilience and ease of maintenance. It is ideal for high-traffic office interior spaces. It is durable and resistant to water and heat. Besides being comfortable to walk on it is slip-resistant and sound absorbent, it is also easy to maintain and available in a variety of textures and colors.

  • Tile flooring

    This is another flooring solution suitable for office spaces since they last for a long time and do not wear out easily. Some tiles are stronger than others leaving the buyer with the choice on which to pick. As long as they are cleaned regularly, tiles can improve the aesthetic beauty of an office. Tile color and design are very critical factors when choosing the right tile.


vinyl flooring in kenya


Factors to consider when choosing the best office flooring solution in Kenya

It is important to note that not all floor finishes are suitable for all locations, hence several factors come into play when choosing your office flooring solution. They include:

  • Repair flexibility

    During the flooring selection process, the ease of repair, when it starts to wear out, should be the center of the focus. The flooring solution chosen should be easy to repair without causing any inconvenience to the workers or the business at large.

  • Ease of maintenance

    The chosen floor solution for the office should be easy to clean and maintain.

  • Traffic levels

    High-traffic offices require flooring that can withstand the heavy traffic into the offices like granite or terrazzo flooring. The traffic levels depend on the function of the office.

  • Service life

    The life expectancy of any floor surface often depends on issues like the level of maintenance. A well-maintained floor may last longer than the expected life span.

  • Cost factor

    One should also consider the lifetime costs of the flooring types, products with initial lower costs may not remain cheaper over time than those with higher initial costs.


rubber and tile flooring in kenya


To sum up

Offices require durable and long-lasting floors as they face a lot of traffic on a daily basis. There are different office flooring solutions available in kenya, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, be sure to select the one that is the most suitable for your office.

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99 Construction Guide

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