
Guide To Residential Toilet Flushing Systems in Kenya

 Flushing systems for toilets have significantly improved over the years in terms of design and efficiency. Toilet manufacturers have designed systems of flushing that use less water but have powerful flushing. One of the most important features to check out when buying toilets for your home is the flushing system, choose toilet flushing Systems in Kenya designed for bulk flushing in order to have a clog-free toilet and powerful flushing.

What is a toilet flushing system?

A flushing system refers to the mechanism a toilet uses to pass water from the tank to the bowl and dispose of the waste through the drain pipes

A good flush toilet is easy to use and maintain, fairly priced, and conserves water, it is what you should consider when buying a flush toilet for your home.


dual flush toilets, double cyclone flush toilets in kenya

Types of toilet  flushing systems in kenya 

  • Dual   flush system

Dual flush toilets use buttons installed on top of the tank lid, and a dual flush valve assembly is mounted on top of the flush valve. the toilet has two options for the amount of water to be used, one is for a little amount of water while the other is for more water. When any of the buttons is pressed, the valve seal lifts off allowing water to flow down the bowl.

Pros-saves water consumption therefore cheap to use, stylish and attractive.

Cons-the flush buttons are prone to get stuck, and a defective flush valve could lead to wastage of water.

  • Gravity flush system

This system uses the natural force of gravity to work. it is the most common flushing system used in toilets, water flows from the tank mounted on top to the bowl using gravity then creates a force within the bowl that causes the toilet trap to siphon out the waste and accumulated water in the bowl.

Pros-inexpensive and easy to maintain

Cons-can underperform sometimes and are prone to sweating

  • Pressure-assisted toilet flushing systems in Kenya

This system is used where the gravity flush system alone is not sufficient. It combines the gravity flush system with compressed air. a toilet that uses the pressure-assisted system has a secondary tank inside the main tank called the pressure vessel, the water incoming mixes with the air in the pressure vessel and becomes pressurized and powerfully flushes the toilet. these toilets are louder than other flushing systems.

Pros-use less water, powerful flush, less prone to sweating

Cons- noisy, difficult to repair, come at a higher price

  • Single flush system

Unlike toilets with double flush systems, In toilets with single flush systems, the user can use the same amount of water whether they are flushing solids or liquids. the systems mostly use a trip lever Handle usually mounted on the side or front of the tank. it is possible to find a single flush system that is also water economical with the introduction of low flow toilets. most toilets combine gravity and single flush systems.

Water flowing from the tank enters the bowl through two nozzles located at the top of the bowl facing sideways, water swirls in the bowl like a cyclone as a result which in return is very effective in rinsing and flushing the toilet

  • Vacuum-assisted toilet flushing systems in Kenya

Toilets with a vacuum assist flush system have a vacuum tank connected to the trap way. when flushed, the water from the tank creates a suction in the vacuum tank which sucks the waste out of the bowl.

Pros– easy to repair. very effective and do not sweat

Cons-a bit more costly.


gravity flush, single flush toilets in kenyaBottom line

The best toilet flushing system for you to choose in Kenya depends on the amount of water it consumes, the noise it makes, the ease of cleaning, and the maintenance cost. For a flush system to be considered the best, it should have a powerful flush, minimize water consumption, and be able to recover quickly while having little maintenance costs.

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